
Our investors are our business partners

Burtonwood Investment Partners manages funds on behalf of a range of like-minded investors, who we view as our partners, including Australian and offshore institutions, family offices and private wholesale (high net worth) investors. We invest alongside our partners to ensure our interests are aligned.

Institutional Mandates and Co-Investment

Burtonwood offers institutional investors the opportunity to invest in carefully selected Australian real estate opportunities via mandated engagement, joint ventures and club style opportunities.

As a boutique investment manager, Burtonwood can implement innovative and flexible structures to cater for the investment motivations of institutional partners and integrate with the instituional investment team to ensure efficient decision making, asset management and compliance procedures are undertaken.

Private Wholesale (High Net Worth) Investors

Burtonwood Investment Partners caters for private wholesale (or High Net Worth) investors, the opportunity to invest in Australian real estate through special purpose trusts.

Burtonwood will often set a preferred minimum investment but will consider relaxing the minimum investment to enable repeat investors to mitigate their risk profile through diversification and invest through different investment vehicles (i.e. corporate entity, family trust, or SMSF). Burtonwood will not discriminate investors based on the size of their commitment – we have a firm belief that private investors have worked hard for their investment capital and deserve to be treated equally and empowered to understand the risk and nature of their investment.

Private investors participate via an unregistered Information Memorandum and must qualify as a Wholesale Investor as defined in the Corporations Act.

Private Mandates

Burtonwood Investment Partners cater to the specific requirements of large private investors and family offices. We will work with these types of investors and their in-house investment teams to ensure efficient decision making, asset management and reporting lines are implemented and unnecessary duplication and costs are reduced.

Private mandates for large private investors or family offices can be in the form of 100% ownership or a significant cornerstone interest in a particular asset or trust.